Beyond a Prenatal
Couples Fertility Support
Infertility is on the rise in our country, which is leading to a lot of heartbreak. It has doubled since 1980, and it is now affecting 1 in 6 couples. What we know is that the cause of infertility can be female related and male related, but more often than not, it is a little bit of both since sperm counts are falling at a high rate. I believe that preconception care is where we can start to change that. It takes two to tango, so why should preconception care be any different?
This visit is designed to bring both partners into the office for optimal fertility support. Whether you are at the start of your fertility journey, or already planning for IUI and IVF, this visit is for you. Together, we will work to:
Optimize your hormonal health, menstrual cycle, and ovulation
Improve egg quality
Optimize sperm count and quality
Access preconception lab testing and semen analysis
Build your fertility supportive foundation with nutrition, sleep, and stress support
Discuss the questions that come up surrounding trying to conceive